مجمع ياسر السهلي التجاري
Business Hours
السبت - الأربعاء
8:30AM - 5:00PM
8:30AM - 2:30PM
عمان - المدينة الرياضية
شارع الشهيد - مجمع ياسر السهلي
الطابق الثاني - مكتب 201، 202
هاتف 5160800-06 - فاكس 5160880-06
تسوق معنا
يمتاز مستحضر PEPON PLUS® بأنه المنتج الطبيعي الوحيد ذو التركيبة الفريدة والمتطورة والتي تحتوي على ثلاث مواد مهمة ومثبتة الفعالية في تقليص حجم البروستات لدى مرضى تضخم البروستات الحميد والتهاب البروستات مما يقلل من احتباس البول، كما أنه يساعد على الإنتصاب لدى هؤلاء المرضى.
يحتوي مستحضر PEPON PLUS® على زيت بذور اليقطين، زيت الساوبالميتو والزنك والذي أظهر نتائج مثبتة وفعالة تضاهي مفعول المستحضرات الدوائية دون آثار جانبية أو مضاعفات، وذلك بسبب تظافر العمل بين زيت بذور اليقطين وزيت الساوبالميتو. ويعتبر تضخم البروستات الحميد (BPH) حالة طبية شائعة تظهر مع تقدم الرجال في العمر حيث يمكن أن يؤدي إلى ظهور أعراض بولية غير مريحة مثل انسداد تدفق البول خارج المثانة، كما يمكن أن يتسبب أيضًا في حدوث مشاكل في الجهاز البولي بشكل عام، هذا بالإضافة إلى تأثيراته السلبية على الإنتصاب وانخفاض الرغبة الجنسية.
طريقه الإستعمال:
كبسولة واحدة مرة واحدة يوميا.
المستحضر متوفر في العديد من صيدليات المملكة الرئيسية، كما يمكنك طلبه من المتجر الإلكتروني وذلك بالنقرعلى الصورة أدناه وتعبئة معلوماتك ليصلك المنتج لبيتك، خدمة التوصيل متوفرة. لمزيد من المعلومات يمكنك التواصل معنا على الأرقام التالية:
هاتف: 5160800
الموبايل: 0791406033
Our Mission: Guiding people to a better healthy life.
Having a growing list of more than 30 registered unique products which are distributed all over Jordan market in many pharmacies and hospitals, we at Al-Asalah Drugstore are always looking forward to maintaining and enhancing our business relationships with our customers, providing unique customer services, through visiting doctor clinics by well-trained medical representatives who are always keen to provide their best pharmaceutical knowledge about our products to the doctors with free medical samples and informational brochures, and by visiting pharmacies and hospitals to ensure excellent relations, services, and pharmaceutical knowledge with all healthcare providers.
Furthermore, our sales team continuously tries to ensure the availability of our products in all pharmacies and hospitals, providing them with the best offers and financial solutions. In addition to the above, we use online social media marketing to reach directly to the end-users and provide them with the necessary information regarding our products.Knowing that the market is a very changing environment, we always try to improve our products and services by searching for new unique products, dosage forms, packaging materials, and other new ideas by gathering feedback from healthcare professionals and patients. We always listen to the details for the sake of improvements, and therefore, reaching for our mission goals to guide people to a better healthy life.
Our Vision: A new era of better health and wellbeing.
We are always trying to connect people to real health products by spreading our products’ presence and knowledge to pharmacies, hospitals, doctors, and other healthcare professionals. We believe that we are different since we sell values, others sell products.
Al-Asalah Drugstore Co.
Dr. Osama Al-Lami' | CEO
Al-Asalah Drugstore is one of the well-known drugstores in Jordan which was established in 2007 by very well-experienced pharmacists who have long experiences in drugstores management, sales, marketing, tenders & registration. With these experiences, they have succeeded in building up very effective business relations with key doctors, pharmacies, hospitals, & key governmental officials at different important entities like JFDA, JPD, JMOH, and other tender parties.
With the support of a very well-known medical doctor and former minister, along with experienced founders and staff, Al-Asalah Drugstore has become one of the powerful drugstores in Jordan since 2007, surpassing many competitor drugstores and distributors since that time.
Founded as an individual establishment, Al-Asalah Drugstore started to grow year after year, acquiring several exclusive licenses from reputable international and local pharmaceutical companies, covering all Jordan market and dealing with more than 1500 customers including top-notch pharmacies and hospitals.
After all these years of success, the business lately jumped into a new open opportunity of enhancement, when the current owner of the business decided to have partnership with a financially capable and experienced pharmacist, and therefore, transformed the business from individual establishment into a company which is now more powerful than ever, having more opportunities of expansion and growth, looking for more improvements, jumping into a new level of high-quality business image, and emphasizing on better company’s mission and vision.
Business Hours
السبت - الأربعاء
8:30AM - 5:00PM
8:30AM - 2:30PM